martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

Welcome to Typical Mancha!!

We are a group of students of 4th ESO that have started to work  in this new Project. The aim of  our Project is to encourage young people to  create new things and to show that Young people can be also enterprising.

TYPICAL MANCHA is located in Mota del Cuervo (Cuenca) and it’s composed of all the students of the HIgh school JULIAN ZARCO. We want to sell typical products from this area paying special importance to the products that come from MOTA DEL CUERVO, our town.

In our  blog, you will find some of the products  that we  have. All of them  can be yours so have a look at them and BUY!!!!!!!!!

jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011


Este es el blog de la cooperativa Typical Mancha, de los alumnos de 4º ESO del IES Julián Zarco de Mota del Cuervo.

Aquí iremos colgando las novedades y noticias más interesantes de nuestra cooperativa.

¡¡Esperemos que os guste!!